In Taiwan, the "Regulations of Medical Device Good Distribution Practice" is the rule for safe handling and distribution of medical devices from the manufacturer to the end-user. TFDA under the Ministry of Health and Welfare established this regulation to ensure the safe and effective distribution of medical devices.
The regulation includes requirements for storage, transportation, and handling of medical devices, as well as the responsibilities of different parties involved in the distribution process.
After getting a medical device license, foreign manufacturers must designate an in-country representative in Taiwan as the license holder, who can authorize desired distributors to use the product license for importation. Both the license holder and distributors must comply with GDP regulations as per the Medical Device Act.
K&C helps medical device firms get GDP certificates and establish effective communication to create a complete quality system for product distribution based on its extensive experience.
Good Distribution Practice
Our Services Include:
Gap assessment between the current distribution process and the regulatory requirements.
Consultation on the regulations and the quality system for product distribution.
Assistance in establishing quality system documents and providing solutions for product storage and transportation.
Inspection of the existing quality system and providing CAPA plans.
Maintenance of the quality system, including but not limited to providing guidance on the conduction of internal audits, corrective and preventive actions, and management review.
Providing suggestions on the CAPA plans in response to the TFDA onsite audit.
取得醫療器材許可證後,國外製造廠(Foreign Manufacturer)應指定台灣境內實體為代理人(In-Country Representative),作為許可證持有者(License Holder),許可證持有者可以授權國外製造廠指定之經銷商使用產品許可證以做產品進口使用。而依據醫療器材管理法規範,許可證持有者以及被授權使用產品許可證之經銷商,都應該取得GDP核可。